Funny or Die/ eko's The Coop Promos - Reality TV - Hype - Comedy

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Funny or Die's interactive reality show on the eko app

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It's the biggest twist in Coop history. President, House Hunk Ryan has been found. Gag. We need you to help us figure out which of his nine housemates is the killer way, Man, We're all clear that your body is dead. Download the echo app to start streaming the coop. The most interactive reality show in television history. Just days after this photo was taken, the coup President House hunk Ryan Mesler was found face down in the pool, murdered with each of his nine housemates, a suspect in the case. We need you to help us figure out who dun it. The coop is streaming now on echo.