Radio Ad


A compilation of commercial samples to showcase range.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
we aren't out to save the world. That's not what we do. It's what you do. We make clothes to keep you warmer safer and drier while you do it. The north Face we do what we do so you can do what you do better. I'm a Prius owner. Don't need a car to drive on mars just round trips on the 405 from Long beach to L. A. Style comfort. No emissions and a lower cost of ownership than other cars in its class. But that driving on mars thing does sound pretty cool. My family is important to Kroger Emma. No no no not the eggs quality. I trust prices. I love simple pants up out of. No we aren't a penguin right now. Kroger makes at least one thing simpler. Where's the baby? Oh good. Still strapped to my body. Okay good. We're good. WhatsApp quick. Free and encrypted for privacy which you totally need. I mean why would you take a picture of that? You sick little best. It doesn't matter what time it is when you but you've arrived movado