Narrative Showreel



Marine / Wildlife, Mental Health, Halloween, St. Patrick's Day NYC, Van Morrison Doc.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Irish (Eastern- Leinster, Dublin) Irish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Finding yourself in the Emerald Isle means you're never far from beautiful beaches, thousands of miles of captivating coastline and the sea teeming with marine life. Grey seals and harbour seals are native to Irish waters. The bays and reefs provide the perfect habitat for shellfish, crustaceans and small fish. New York is home to the largest population of Irish Americans in the USA, so it's no wonder NYC ST Patrick's Day is an absolute showstopper. Thanks to newspapers from Colonial America. We know that the roots of the largest and oldest parade in the world, held in late March of the 17 hundreds, were modest and agreeable affairs, with local residents marching to church with five cent drums. The world of communication moves extremely fast, creating huge global benefits. But there's also a downside. More and more research is being conducted, which shows social media adversely affecting mental health. And with an astounding 91% of people aged 16 to 24 active in social media, this can't be ignored. Sir George Ivan Morrison OBE, better known as Van Morrison, has an award winning career spanning six decades. To this day, he remains one of the most prolific musicians to come out of Ireland. Born in Belfast 31st of August 1945 he was exposed to blues and jazz through his father's record collection and quickly learned the harmonica, guitar and saxophone. 2000 years ago, the ancient health celebrated the Festival of Sao in to mark the Celtic New Year, the end of the harvest and the beginning of the darker months of winter. Bonfires were lit to ward off demons, disguises worn to personify the old spirits of winter who wanted rewards in exchange for good fortune. Soul cakes were given to Children and the poor. These traditions were taken around the world and became Halloween.