Video Narration


This is an audition for Ben

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Generally speaking, our modern society friends and parents have come to expect gender roles for men and women regarding feelings and emotional expression. Women are often expected to be emotionally sensitive and connected, which makes it socially acceptable, even encouraged to freely express their feelings. On the other hand, men like yourself are often lead to stuffing their feelings, focusing on aggression or being fearless. We might use expressions such as big boys don't cry or man up. These can program you to repress and ignore other feelings and that makes you disconnect these long held stereotypes. And expectations can break your masculinity piece by piece. And these classical ideas that weakness or emotions are wrong is why you might find it harder to seek helpful mental health support later in life when you need it most. And yes, this can lead to life altering health issues for you, including anxiety, depression and ice cold intimacy.