Live On Purpose



Edited and narrated by me with quick edits on the fly as English is not first language of the author. A lovely biography. ACX approved.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Chapter one Growing Up. I don't remember much about growing up besides my parents arguing and slamming doors. My father was a successful stockbroker who entertained clients over lunch with martinis. Still when he came home after a long work day, he would pick up where he left off drinking and fighting with my mom. Some nights, my dad worked late and I could sit at the kitchen counter in peace as my mom cooked dinner, chatting about the neighbors. We grew up in Northern New Jersey and vacationed at the Jersey shore for two weeks. Most summers I have fond memories of the beach. The warmth and friendships I made while building sand castles and playing in the surf. I recall the lingering smell of Coppertone on my salty skin, the sun peeking through my hat and warming my face. But even as a child, I learned to keep quiet and disappear. When my parents began arguing, my dad would scream until he was blue in the face. And afterwards, my mom would plaster on a thin smile and adjust her curls.