Instagram Tutorial



This was an educational video for our franchisees on how to download Instagram.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
first we need to download the instagram app. If you have an iphone you'll go to the app store on your phone. The app store button is blue and looks like this. If you're using an android, you'll go to the google play store like this. Once inside, you'll need to search for the instagram app on an iphone, you'll find the search function on the very bottom row, almost completely on the right hand side, on an android, you'll select the little magnifying glass in the upper right hand corner. Inside the search function, you'll want to type the word instagram. It's a popular apps so it should pop up almost immediately on the iphone. The option to install is to the right of the Apple logo on the android. The option to install is right below the logo on the iphone. Once you select get and install, it's going to prompt you to insert your Apple ID password. As soon as you do that, it will begin to download. If you can't remember your apple ID password, check the links posted below this video to help you recover it on an android. It will automatically download to your app screen. Just keep scrolling right until you see the logo to open the app, select the logo. Now that we're in the app, let's move on to step two from here. On out the Apple look the same on both an android and an iphone. Let's create an account. Upon clicking the logo, you'll see this screen if it's not on the sign up option, make sure to select that. We would encourage you to sign up using a personal email address instead of using the log in with the facebook function. At this point in time we're going to say to create a personal account for your instagram to get your feet wet and participate at convention. We'll talk about starting a kona ice instagram account at convention if that's something you're interested in. So go ahead and enter your email address to sign up