Jim Bosh Business Demo

Video Narration


Business instructional, educational and e-learning projects.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What do L. B M sales teams need to do more of cell, of course, to more customers more often with more repeat business without adding more staff and cost. What we need is more productive sales teams, better serving customers and driving more business. Customers buy more, more often when they can get fast answers directly from a source who already knows about their business, their plans and their company. Too often, L B M Field reps are working with outdated tools and systems without modern mobile tools. Field reps have to get answers on the phone from someone in the office. Now. Maybe they get an order in spite of this, and then what? Write it down. Hope you remember Good luck, not to mention tracking opportunities for later sales. No wonder it's so hard to grow sales. Now there's epic Orbis Track Cloud, a modern touch to sell device