Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Janet Crane
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


My demo showcases various commercial spots including a credit card, fertility clinic, allergy medicine, drunk driving PSA, and travel.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you've worked more 20 hour days than a doctor nurtured your business plan in sickness and in health. Now you've earned the rewards. The horizon card for small businesses. I always knew I wanted to be a parent, but I never really thought about it much until we started trying to get pregnant. When we learned it might not be possible, it was devastating news. We decided to turn to the Wellspring Fertility Clinic for help. He's allergic to cats. I'm a cat lover. Other than that were the perfect match. But choose between my man and my cat. I don't think so. Do you remember John? He was good at everything he did, but John did one thing too well. Drink, save a life. Don't drink and drive. Every fall, my dad and I would go out to Clear Lake. We'd set up camp, go hiking and even do a little fishing. Now I take my kids out to Clear Lake. The fishing is still good, but the best thing I catch is some quality time with my kids. Okay. Kids were here. Everyone have a bucket. Let's go pick apples only under orchards. Right for the picking. Hi, I'm Janet Crane. Thanks for listening.