Children's Book Read.

Profile photo for Jerry Kiwala
Not Yet Rated


I'm able to use soft voice inflection to not intimidate a small child who is listening. I can attract them with the soothing sound of a person selling ice cream on a street corner.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Can you see Brian the Invisible Boy? Even Mrs Carla. He has trouble noticing him in her classroom. She's too busy dealing with Nathan and Sophie. Nathan has problems with what Mrs Carla calls volume control. He uses his outside voice too much. Sophie Winds and complains when she doesn't get her way. Nathan and Sophie take up a lot of space. Brian doesn't in the cafeteria. Madison and her friends talk about her birthday party. The rope swing over the pool was awesome, says J T. Yeah. So was the water slide, says Fiona. That was the best pool party ever. I'm so glad you had fun, says Madison. Everybody did. Except Brian. He wasn't invited.