Cabin Encounter

Profile photo for Jennifer Ward
Not Yet Rated


A spooky story audition.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
cabin encounter. I was frozen, totally unable to move. I wanted to. My mind was shouting in my head, begging me to move. But while it was staring into my eyes, I couldn't. Then it took a step toward me. My uncle has a cabin in Northern California, up in the Cascades, about 10 miles south of Mount Shasta. It's up a dirt road, TV road or microwave road or something like that. It's in the middle of nowhere or really, in the middle of a forest. I used to go up there when I was a kid, and well into my teen years, I've loved it. I have many fond memories of that forest. I used to laugh at the people who went on vacations to fancy resorts. How is it a vacation with all those other people surrounding you up in the woods, you can really get away from the crowds and all the hassles of civilization. A couple of years ago, my grandma called me and asked if I'd like to go up to the cabin for a week. Apparently, my uncle needed to go into the hospital for an operation. Nothing big. No need to worry He wanted someone to go out to the cabin and look after along with his dog. Well, I was in college and it was summer break. So yeah, I jumped at the idea. I asked Grandma if I could bring a friend with me and she hanged and hot of it until I told her it was another girl from my class. She was fine with that. I think she was worried I'd be bringing a boy up for a fun weekend. She's a bit old fashioned like that. Carol and I flew into Sacramento in the morning and Grandma picked us up. Now my grandma, maybe a bit old fashioned about some things, but she does love to drive fast. We were up at the cabin in time for lunch, and that counts, stopping at Trader Joe's in reading for supplies.