The Beginner's Guide to Crystals

Profile photo for Jennifer Ward
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This sample is the Introduction page from a book I own personally.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the allure of crystals. It's a tale as old as time. These beautiful works of art were forged by the elements. There are pieces of earth that hold the knowledge and stories of millions of millennia. Crystals can be teachers, gentle guides and sparkling SAGES that tune us into our deepest truths and the energy of our world and people around us. Nurturing a relationship with the mineral kingdom can infuse your life with the sense of magic, one that expands and deepens as you further your journey with these captivating stones. Harnessing the power of crystals is nothing new. Gems and minerals have been used as talismans and tools of emotional, spiritual and physical healing since ancient times by nearly every civilization on record from the Greeks and Romans, who used them as medicine and protective charms To the Mayans and Native Americans, who regarded them as a sacred connection to the divine crystals and their high vibrations are just as applicable to these modern times, if not more so. They give us a reason to be still and ground ourselves in the earth's energies amidst the hustle and bustle of our everyday urban existence. Working with crystals offers a healing way to clear blockages, increased energy flow and balance your system. Whether you are familiar with crystal work or have yet to interact with the energy of a stone, this book describes methods for using creating rituals around and maintaining crystals. It also offers specific information about 68 different types of minerals organized by the chakras they're associated with that have a wide range of emotional, spiritual and physical benefits. In other words, there's something for everybody.