National Geographic, Fireflies Put on a Spectacular Mating Dance



I did the Narration for this Lovely Documentary. On You Tube, Blake Congden Production the visuals are quite extraordinary. 125 K views as of January 2021

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It's late summer in the highland forests of Mexico. Billions of fireflies air hiding in the underbrush, waiting for the perfect night to find a mate. But most nights something is off, and they keep waiting. They The males prefer a moonless night when their lights will shine brightest in the dark, but there are only a few each summer, and the females they like a rainy day with moisture in the ground to protect their eggs so the fireflies wait until the air is humored, still and warm for the fireflies of Mexico, conditions air perfect for just a few hours each year for the fireflies of Mexico, conditions are perfect. For just a few hours each year, it's late summer in the highland forests of Mexico, millions of fireflies air hiding in the underbrush, waiting for the perfect night to find a mate. But most nights something is off, and they keep waiting day. The males prefer a moonless night where their lights will shine brightest in the dark, but there are only a few each summer, and the females they like a rainy day with moisture in the ground to protect their eggs and the females they like a rainy day with moisture in the ground to protect their eggs so the fireflies wait until the air's humored still and warm for the fireflies of Mexico, conditions air perfect for just a few hours each year.