Joe Wos Voice Over Reel

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Voice over work for Amana and Goodman Air Conditioning. A variety of characterizations from multiple spots.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
when it comes on, it won't play Stars and Stripes forever. You won't hear Fourth of July fireworks. You won't hear someone shout, play ball or touchdown or anything else that's uniquely red, white and blue. Because even though every Goodman heating and cooling system is designed, engineered and assembled in the USA, when it comes on, all you hear is you saying Thank goodness for good. It's so hot you can fry an egg on the sidewalk and use your mailbox as a toaster oven. You better call your local independent Goodman dealer for a new, energy efficient Goodman air conditioner. It's affordable and can cost less to operate. Tell you what you let me know if you find a better overall value. Thank goodness for good. It's so hot this dang microphone is male. Dio Goodman presents real moments from people who have lost their cool. Goodman presents another moment too hot for TV Outside, it's blistering hot. You'd have to be crazy to go outside. You're not crazy. That's why you bought a multi speed on man. A brand air conditioner. You'd be crazy not to. We don't stick it on things that aren't designed to last a long time. So when you see the A man of brand on something, you know it won't let you down. Same is true for a man, a brand heat pumps. That's because they're adorable and dependable. If they weren't, they probably would have another name. Way. Say, We love summer. We don't What we really love is the cool indoor comfort provided by energy efficient Amana. Brand air conditioners sure will occasionally venture outside to see if the sun is still there, but at the end of the day, A C is king. It's colder than January roadkill in Fairbanks, Alaska. Colder than the north pound, which on a cast iron broomstick You better call your local independent dealer for a new, energy efficient Goodman gas furnace. It's affordable and could cost less to operate. Good luck finding a better overall value. Thank goodness a chokehold, a polar bears air wearing fur coats over their fur coats. We don't just slap it on many old thing, so when you see the Amana brand on something, you know it represents a quality, well made product like an energy efficient Amana brand heat bump, adorable and dependable. That's what the name means