Mirror of Ursula - US Midwest English - Authentic Genuine Real Person



A short character story followed by a meditation. I voiced the entire read.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Mhm. Right. Mhm. Mhm. My name is Fabian. Who do you see in the mirror? I would give a different answer to this question years ago when it comes to mirrors, I used to say things like a simple and misleading item invented in the last century. After all, a beautiful lady doesn't want to see how badly she treated her servant when she looks in the mirror or the shadow of her hooked nose on her face. But a painting can give you a real person as a good portrait painter. I didn't believe the mirrors reflect reality. So I changed people's minds with the paintings I drew. Have you seen the paintings of Fabian? It was as if he was taking a breath from a person sold and blowing on his canvas. Everyone was saying the whole world knew me and my paintings, but after time I realized that I lost myself as I drew other people. So after a great nervous breakdown, even hysteria, I locked myself in my house. I didn't want to paint or see people until I saw that mirror in Miss Sophia's antique shop. There was a very old and precious mirror in the window. I bought it and looked at myself for days. Who was I? What were my flaws? What kind of person did I become? Let me be clear. I understood once again that no one can see their true self when they look in the mirror, I was angry, I smashed it to pieces as if trying to take all my anger out on the mirror. I sat on the floor and oscillated between regret and relief. Just then on one of the broken mirror pieces, I saw a note for Ursula Miller Cruz Ebay 18 66. When I saw this note, I immediately regretted breaking the mirror. I needed to find that woman named Ursula to apologize and pay off my debt before I set off everyone I knew tried to block me. That's because Cruise bay, written in the mirror was in the middle of the Caribbean sea and hundreds of people had lost their lives because of the hurricanes there over the years. I didn't even care despite the storm. I got on a ship and went to Cruz Bay. I had all my painting materials ready with me after all. For the first time in a long time I had a great desire to draw. When I arrived at Ursula Miller's house. Everything I had dreamed of shattered like that mirror. Ursula Miller died in one of the great hurricanes years ago, her husband Herbie Miller was left alone in a huge house. Mr Herbie, who was in love with his wife was now like the living dead. All he did was sit in front of the painting of Ursula Miller and drink afternoon tea as if she was there just as they had done over the years with great sadness. I told mr Herbie what had happened and apologized then with his shoulder slumped, he answered without raising his head. I've lost that mirror the day the hurricane came, just like Ursula. I even got sadder mister Herbie, please help me make amends to you! I begged. There was a long silence. Mr Herbie was staring at the painting on the wall in the darkened living room with thick curtains. He was startled suddenly as if waking up from a dream. Then after looking carefully at my face, this painting doesn't look like Ursula at all. You know she doesn't look like that. She doesn't even smile. But my Ursula was always smiling. I understood Mr Herbie so well so I said I can paint a picture of your wife if you want. I continue the conversation with growing excitement. I want you to tell me about Ursula, mr Herbie every detail, even the little lines on her cheeks when she smiles or what color her curls were. And I will draw you the real Ursula. What do you say? Mr Herbie took a sip of the chilled tea in the porcelain cup he said. I don't think it can get any worse than this. Looking up at the painting on the wall, I stayed with mr Herbie for weeks. He was telling I was drawing for the first time in years. I felt like I was really painting. Mr Herbie was excited as if he was going on a first date with his wife. Months later I completed the painting. I could see Mr Herbie's chin trembling as he looked at the painting. He had risen from the chair with such excitement that for a moment I felt the energy of a young Herbie. He raised his finger, pointed it towards the painting and searched for the right words for a while. Finally his voice trembled and he began to speak. Look Mr Fabian, let me introduce you to the real Ursula miller now, you know why I fell in love with her, right? Mhm. Happiness is a choice. We might feel stuck between heavy feelings and stressful decisions, but that doesn't mean that we can't learn to be happy. We create our reality and can decide what to feel if we are willing to change our perspective on things. I feel lucky today to be able to guide you through this mindful practice. Find a comfortable place to lay down where you will not be disturbed by anyone or anything for the duration of this practice this is a practice to work towards being relaxed, happy and accepting this practice will work towards breaking unhealthy habits and learning new skills in order to do these things. You must become relaxed and then focus on what it is that you really want and need. It is up to you to dedicate the time and make the required efforts towards your goals. Mhm. So say to yourself. Mhm mm hmm. I intend to relax and be accepting of life as it comes. Yeah, I intend to break bad habits and create new helpful ones. I intend to be open to learning new things. Mhm. I intend to always be genuinely happy. Let's continue relaxing deeper by taking five deep breaths together to fully oxygenate our entire systems. Yeah. Inhale and exhale slowly. Thank you more. Inhale and exhale once again inhale and let it go, breathe in and breathe out, breathe fully in and then simply let the air escape. Good. Right. Mhm. Mhm. Let yourself feel a wave of relaxation sweep over you. Now let your focus move down to your eyes. Just notice how your eyes feel and ask them to relax even more. The little movement in your eyes is called rapid eye movement and is completely normal. These small eye movements allow for you to feel calm. Notice how the back of your head feels. Notice the sensation of the floor or ground it is resting on. How heavy does your head feel right now? Mhm. Let your focus move to your nose, feel the slight sensations of the air moving in and out of your nostrils with your breath when you breathe in. Imagine that you are being filled with calmness when you breathe out. Imagine your body feels heavy and deeply relaxed. Very good. Now focus on your ears, notice how they feel and what they hear around you try to hear every single noise when sounds come into your ears they act as little waves of relaxation. Taking you even deeper, notice the sound of my voice and how soothing it is From here forward. You will only hear my voice gently guiding you. Mhm. All other sounds passing through only take you deeper into a state of calmness. Now focus on your mouth and lips. How do they feel? What do you notice? Perhaps you can sense the flavor of something you recently tasted? Very good mm Move your focus now down to your neck. We if there is any tension or tightness there, just ask it to release a little more. Notice how your neck feels right now. Now take a moment to focus on your shoulders. Move your attention slowly going down each arm. No all the way to each fingertip. What are your fingertips touching right now? Feel the sensations on your fingertips nice allow your focus to go to your chest as well as your upper back. If you notice any tension here, simply ask it nicely to release a little. Now imagine you are focusing on your heart, feel it beating strongly, supporting you constantly relax your heart and notice how good it feels to do. So now focus on your lungs, okay feel them gently expanding and contracting with each breath delivering oxygen to your entire body. Mhm. Allow your focus to move down your vital organs and digestive system. Just notice your belly and how it feels, observe it working and digesting effortlessly for you. Now notice your lower back and how it's pressing against the surface you are laying on. If you feel any tension, just say, please relax Just a little more focus now on your pelvis and hips simply notice any sensations you may have there. This takes you deeper into a state of relaxation. Mhm. Allow your focus to move down each leg now slowly relaxing those as well. Your legs have been taking you so many places over the years and they deserve to fully relax. Notice this wonderful wave of relaxation moving down to your knees, your lower legs and all the way to your feet and the very tip of each toe. What good? Mhm mm. Now let's take our focus back up the body. The same way we came. Start by visualizing you are slowly pulling in your favorite color through your toes. Imagine your favorite color is coming into your toes and your feet. It goes up your legs, passing through your knees, into your pelvis and hips. This beautiful color is filling up your digestive system and belly. Mhm. It fills all your vital organs and continues into your lungs. This color is effortlessly healing you as it fills you. It fills your heart and you notice how happy you are becoming by doing this. The color goes across your shoulders and down each arm all the way to the fingertips. Yeah, your favorite color is moving up your neck, now relaxing everything as it goes. It fills up your mouth, ears, nose, and eyes. It then quickly fills all the tiny areas of your brain relaxing it as well. This beautiful color moves all the way to the very top of your head where we originally began. Good notice how completely relaxed your entire body feels right now. I am going to tell you something very important now. Yeah. My hope is that you will deeply hear the words I say to you and they will affect your life for the better. You are completely aware of every level of your mind even though your body may feel asleep right now. These things I am going to tell you will build your ability to relax. Be accepting, break habits, learn new things and be happy. You want a life that is passionate and fulfilling. You are fully capable of relaxing at any time. You need to allowing for life to come as it does. Mhm. You accept the moments that are challenging as well as those that push you quickly towards your goals. When you feel a moment of tension coming on, you instantly relax by taking a big deep breath. Mhm Focus only on that breath right in that moment, allow nothing else to matter except your breath. If you do this correctly, you will instantly feel more relaxed. You can take a few more deep breaths if you need relaxing you even further. This is the key to changing your life for the better remembering to breathe is the most important thing. Good in life. If you want to be fully happy, there's no other option than to accept things as they are. The changes you make can only happen through yourself, acceptance is the primary goal. Imagine that you are in some kind of an argument. For example, when you don't accept a situation as it is, you may become angry that quickly clouds your ability to be happy. Similarly, when you get upset it becomes difficult for you to think clearly and to accept the situation as it is. Do you see how being accepting of all situations allows for you to be happy? Yeah, it's very beneficial when you are in a state of relaxation to focus on being happy, relaxation is the key to everything. Once you are able to fully relax, your mind becomes clearer and your body becomes calmer with this new relaxation technique and the ability to accept things as they come, you are able to learn how to become a happier and more relaxed version of yourself in order to be genuinely happy. You must find all possible ways to eliminate bad habits that keep you from being happy. It's easy to notice your bad habits. Now when you do notice them, take a big deep breath except that you are being presented with a moment. You can change each time that you are triggered towards a bad habit is actually an opportunity. These moments are opportunities for you to learn to accept the situation as it is in learning to accept the situation as it is. Remember, relaxation is your key relaxation allows you to make the necessary behavioral changes to move your life towards the better you will do this effortlessly because it is very important to you the moment you make this change for the better you will become a happier person. Mhm. Yeah, from now on you think walk, act and feel genuinely and deeply relaxed in times when you need to accept the situation as it is, it is easy for you to do so and you feel how happy you are. Your posture exudes confidence and your head is always held high. Mhm. From now on your actions with everyone you encounter are that of complete acceptance. You genuinely accept things as they are, which in turn brings you peace and relaxation. Each time you encounter a bad situation, you feel a deep knowing that this is an opportunity to just let go and accept it. A chance to be happy. Now say to yourself with conviction, I can relax whenever I want to by breathing deeply. I fully accept others as they are in situations as they come. But okay, all of these things I accomplish, support me to be fully happy in my life. Just simply notice how that feels. Mhm. Mhm. Good. You did such a great job today. Let's slowly come back to wakeful awareness now. Bring back all you learn today. Remember let go and be happy. Yeah