English Voice Over Television Ad - Alcohol Commercial Trinidad

Television Ad


Three versions of a television voice over spot for Angostura Infinite Rum ad campaign. Script provided by supplier, recorded and packaged by me.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
each drop of infinity by Angostura distills the legacy of Trinidad and Tobago to create a rum that both classic and novice rum connoisseurs can save them a reminder that while the times have changed our spirit of expression lingers on each drop of infinity. By Angostura distills the legacy of Trinidad and Tobago to create a run that both classic and novice rum connoisseurs can savor a reminder that while the times have changed our spirit of expression lingers on each drop of infinity by Angostura distills the legacy of Trinidad and Tobago to create a room that both classic and novice rum connoisseurs can savor a reminder that while the times have changed our spirit of expression lingers on johan keens Douglas Trinidad and Tobago role of voice actor.