Non-Fiction, Medical Narration, How-To, Written by MD, narrated by PT

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A non-fiction explainer book written by an MD practicing in a Direct Primary Care model to other MDs in DPC wishing to work with employers. Includes instruction and real-life experience. Narrator is a PT interested in medical narration due to ability to connect with healthcare or medical copy.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
prior authorizations and referral issues doing tedious insurance side work has become so commonplace in primary care. It's like using a stethoscope. Heck. It's probably used more than a stethoscope. Part of the allure of the DPC magic for physicians is leaving all that tedious non clinical busywork behind to allow more time time with patients. However, if the employer you work with has a fully funded P. P. O. Type plan or book a plan or a poorly designed self funded plan, you may be required to participate in prior authorizations, patient referral management programs and pharmacy step therapy, among other mind numbing tasks. Trust me, this is not something you want to find out about two months into a DPC employer plan. Now you've got prior authorizations out the ying yang that you never saw coming.