RAW AUDITION: Short Story for Audiobook



This is a raw audition for an audiobook of short stories.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
he slipped into a corner booth away from the dancers. Where it was quietest were the odors of musk and Fran Japon E hung less heavy on the air. A slender lamp glowed softly in the booth. He turned it down, down to where only the club's blue overheads filtered through the beaded curtain, diffusing, blurring the image thrown back by the mirrored walls of his light, thin bone. Jaw line. Yes, sir, the bar boy stepped through the beads and stood smiling, clad in gold sequin trunks. His muscles seemed to roll an independent motion like fat snakes. Beneath his new jacket, whiskey, Jesse said he caught the insouciant grin, the broad white tooth crescent that formed on the young man's face. Jesse looked away trying to control his temper. Yes, sir, the bar boy said. Running is thick, tanned fingers over his solar plexus, tapping the fingers, making them hop in a sinuous dance. He hesitated, still smiling, this time, questioning Lee, hopefully a smile filled with admiration and desire. The finger dance, the accepted symbol since 26 48 stopped the pudgy brown digits curled into angry fists. Right away, sir,