Character Narration - John Worsham



Here is a Character Narration sample where we hear multiple voices and even hear characters do impressions themselves.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the girl, uncomfortable in her oversized white clothing, gets up from the chair, she walks over to the large bookcase and starts thumbing over titles. She pauses at a brightly decorated cover of The Little Mermaid by hans christian Andersen She balances the large volume in her hands and slowly opens it, revealing pastel colorful fanciful drawings of mermaids. As she scans the pages, Eustace struggles to sit beside her on his haunches. Eustace says The little mermaid that used to be my sister's favorite. I remember my sister begging me to do the voice of the Prince, She would say come on, or what's the use of having a big brother and that I would do the most dramatic Shakespearean voice that I could think of and then for Ursula I'd put on an evil slithering voice. The girl laughs as if she is uncomfortable with the action. She puts her hand over her mouth to stop. Eustace looks at her with sad eyes, takes a deep breath and measured lee breathes out whilst he pets Ari My sister always liked heroes for what they believed in this story is about a girl fighting for what she believes in most of all, she sacrifices everything for the sake of a dream. Not a prince, like everyone thinks a dream of a better world. The girl yarns beside him relaxes and leans her head against his shoulder, you remind me of her, she was willing to sacrifice everything for a dream