Narrative/ Audiobook



John Worsham's Narrative/Audibook Demo includes the following strong attributes:

Narrator , Announcer , Storyteller , Characters , Everyman , Guy Next Door , Teacher , Spokesperson , Executive, Alpha Male , Conversational , Professional , Friendly , Believable , Confident , Authentic , Informative , Authoritative , Upbeat , Warm , Engaging , Corporate , Articulate , Inspirational , Energetic , Educational , Natural , Casual , Animated , Enthusiastic , Genuine , Deep , Knowledgeable , Attractive , Calm , Amusing , Youthful , Caring , Sincere , Trustworthy , Strong , Excited , Happy , Intellectual , Aggressive , Calming , Serious , Motivational , Comforting , Sophisticated , Classy , High Energy , Movie Trailer , Bold , Dynamic , Smooth , Mature , Attitude , Commanding , Tough , Playful , Thoughtful , Blue Collar , Manly , Masculine , Concerned , Easygoing , Reassuring , Proud , Sarcastic , Booming , Funny , Straightforward , Bubbly , Soothing , Technical , Uplifting , Attentive , Professorial , Slow Paced , Angry , Brave , Cartoon , Endearing , Aloof , Athletic , Laid Back , Softspoken , Gritty , Raspy , Hip , Humorous , Abrupt , Persuasive , Rugged , Scientific , Sultry , Edgy , Sweet , Mysterious

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
sitting in the shaded cool quiet of ST Paul's Church in Flagstaff, Walter remembers a family picnic. This memory is two years old, but nothing ever fades from it. It takes place in a small park called Hathaway Forest on Long Island one Sunday afternoon. In early summer, he and his wife, Irene, spread blankets on the grass next to a picnic table and a brick barbecue pit. It is a warm, clear blue day with a breeze. Irene has insisted that they all go as a family. And so soccer games, trips to the movies and to the houses of friends have all been put aside because Walter is hung over, he tries to big off, but she will not hear event. She will not cater to his hangovers anymore, she tells him. So they all go. He and Irene sit quietly on the blankets, as in the grass fields before them. The Children run William the oldest, hanging back a little, making a sacrifice of pretending to have a good time. He is planning for the priesthood these days. Wants to be Gregory Pack in the keys of the kingdom