Money Management 101



A brief chapter in which I educate the listeners on the how millionaires think about their money. The cadence is slow, controlled, and conversational.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Money Management 101. How to gain millionaire mindset. The main discussion to obtain the type of financial independence. You've been dreaming about all your life. You must learn to develop a millionaire mindset, thomas Stanley and William Denko in the millionaire next door explained that most wealthy people and self made millionaires drive the used cars, live in average neighborhoods where average price clothes and watches and are very careful with their money. In addition, very few of them by boats, recreational vehicles, Second homes, personal airplanes or invest in expensive vacations, Stanley and Danko point out that there are those who look rich and those who are rich. Your job is to be one of those people who are genuinely rich rather than those who spend a lot of money but have very little in the bank, develop a millionaire mindset, truly wealthy people develop the habit of getting rich slow rather than getting rich quick to assure this, they have two rules with regard to money. Rule number one don't lose money. Rule Number two, if you ever feel tempted, Refer back to rule number one don't lose money free. Financial report, wealthy people spend much more time thinking about their finances than people who remain poor. The average adult spends 2-3 hours each month studying and thinking about their money, usually a bill paying time. The average self made millionaire, by contrast, spends 20-30 hours per month thinking studying and planning his finances. This millionaire mindset, the very act of focusing on your money, will dramatically improve the decisions you make with regard to it. Wealthy people who invest more time planning their finances invariably make better decisions, get better results and achieve financial independence.