Sample DJ/Radio Spiel

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A sample how radio Djs think of what to say when they're on the air at a radio station.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Yes, another snowy thursday evening. And here's another trip down memory lane with ricks, classic rock here at A. B. C. D. The voice of being town radio. We have the rolling stones on top tonight and along with a little slip and wolf and a healthy serving of led Zeppelin. Yeah, so let's start the evening with a perennial favorite stairway to heaven. You just heard stairway to heaven more than 40 years after its release. This remains one of the top influences on rock music. The snow's really piling out the area. I can hear a few 1000 students chanting Snow Day and a few 100 parents crying. I don't mind the snow. This is the only time of the year when my yard looks as nice as the one next door. You're listening to Rick's classic rock on A. B. C. D. The voice of Beantown radio. Next up is a sure to make you forget all about your winter. For a while. Here's the song Born to Be Wild.