Children's story narration (clickview)



A story about Boo and the emotions she experiences at a day of school. Aimed at primary aged kids.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)




Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
night boom in a small house on top of a big hill. The first thing Boo does after she wakes up is open her bedroom window. She likes to feel the sun's warm rays on her skin and breathe the fresh air. Everything is quiet outside, but also inside her. The body is very relaxed, and she feels for breakfast. Booze. Dad has prepared pancakes. It's her favourite food. They smell so good. Boo's heart beats a little faster. She has a tingling feeling in her stomach and a big smile on her face. The whole body wants to dance. She feels happy. It's time to go to school. Books, pencils and lunch are all nicely packed. Remembers there is the sports carnival today. She's been training every day, for it feels as if she has butterflies fluttering around in her stomach and her feet wanted jump. She feels excited. Boo and her classmates are participating in a running race. They're about to stop on your marks. Get set, heart thumps heart. Her palms are sweaty and her legs are a bit shaky. She is feeling nervous