Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Josselyn Cambridge
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Commercial Demo

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
these days everyone's a multitasker. But what about your cloud? The IBM hybrid cloud lets you modernize without having to rebuild so you can do everything all at the same time this summer, hug them a little tighter, laugh a little louder and enjoy every single moment you get lift in. I use my husband's body wash because it smells better than my body wash there. I said it, I feel so much better now. I smell so much better to you forgot your laptop charger, which means it's already dead chromebooks. Got 12 hour battery life switched a chromebook. Am I afraid of winter? No, Am I prepared for it? You bet I am the all new jeep. Grand Cherokee. The idea of not being with scarlet during treatment was unimaginable to me. Ronald Mcdonald house made it possible for me to be there when she needed me most and I'll never forget that.