I like narrating books that will help people to grow.

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Not Yet Rated


This is a topic that really catches my attention, I see with sadness the need for us all to understand and learn how to have healthy, not perfect relationships, that is why I have decided to use as a base this book called \"Not Yet Married\" to be able to impart some advice to younger friends of mine.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Spanish (South American - Colombian)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Introduction to the book, Not yet married. We live in a society where one can get everything instantly. We can watch whatever we want whenever we want and wherever we want, we can order any type of food and have it delivered to our doorstep within minutes. And when it comes to relationships, we can like flirt and send messages from the safety and comfort of our couch. That same selfishness and impatience are the main ingredients that have led to the current wave of primary. It'll sex that have seen. Today. We go online and everything seems like an adventure, unrestricted freedom. But what if by accepting the fast, easy and cheap, we are missing out on a better adventure and true freedom? And what if we realize that we are missing out on a feast by eating snacks?