News Anchor

Profile photo for Maria Oliver
Not Yet Rated


Copy written and edit for live broadcast. Include tribute to the late Doris Day

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
President Trump says he will meet with Chinese President XI next month of the G 20 summit in Japan. Trade talks between the U. S and China have run aground, but the president insisted today that the U. S. Is in a very strong position. During a White House photo op today, he again accused China of taking advantage of the US for far too long. Secretary of State My Pompeo has called off his planned visit to Moscow, but he'll still be meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin this week. The meeting comes amid increased tensions between the US and Iran as European leaders look to preserve the Iran nuclear deal. Saudi Arabia's energy minister says two of its oil tankers were hit by a sabotage attack off the coast of the United Arab Emirates. One of the ships was just about to be loaded with oil that would have been headed to the U. S. When I was just, I asked my mother, what will I? Here's what legendary activists and animal rights activist Doors Day is dead. At the age of 97 Day was known for her portrayal of working women when that image wasn't universally acceptable. In addition to starring in numerous films with Rock Hudson, Cary Grant and James Garner, Day was known as the All American Girl Next Door.