

Variety of characters for animated video to video games

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Australian British (General) Italian (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I thought I could trust you. You said you weren't motivated by revenge. Will find Bond. Put a part. Fine, Bond. Do I have reason to feel I envy? You are free to have what I cannot tell you. Okay? I fear neither him nor his armies come down under. It's beautiful down here. I wrote the book on relaxing. I go without sleep for eight solid weeks. Oh, Reginald Borje the seventh booklet Ask for the moon We already have the stars money. These American men are so unsophisticated I'ma talking credit card attention Your computer is no longer protecting This is candy plus reporting for CNN and suckle There is no hope for me You don't have to worry, dear. It'll turn out all right In the end I cook with my heart way Love, lemon I feel Third World people are missing proper table manners. Wait, Who is the fairest? The life can be difficult but I felt solutions to stay hit by little one I'll see you soon enough. Come here. I'll show your own one. Take a chance