English Voice Introduction

Profile photo for Maribel Ramirez
Not Yet Rated


My conversational everyday voice!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi. I'm Mary Bell. Well, here I am. Does me my voice and a microphone. I'm feeling a bit thrilled right now. People have been telling me I have a youthful voice for years, so I thought I'd give voice acting a try. Today I'm recording my very first boy Silver Demo at my home studio. I want to see if I have what it takes. So here's my voice. I sound conversational, don't I? That's because it's easy to be myself. I mean, I do talk every single day. How hard can it be to stand in front of a mic and just we'll talk and sound natural, You know, sound like I'm not reading a script, which I am. And that laugh I just did. Yeah, that was a scripted love. How funny is that? So how'd I do? Did it sound like a realistic laughter, or did it come across as forced or upgrade? Well, right now, I'm feeling a little silly, and this demo is just about over. So the big question is, do you believe me? Do I sound like an everyday human, or do I sound like I'm reading