E learning

Profile photo for JL Windham
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e learning

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you see that thing over there? Yeah, it's called a soap dispenser. As a Domino's. Employees were gonna expect you to get pretty familiar with that little bottle. If you're on the line and making great Domino's pizzas, you need to wash your hands anytime you touch for all ingredients that includes chicken, meet any seafood products and if you use the bathroom, if you even go near the bathroom. Okay, it's time to scrub up like you're going into surgery because no one wants you hailing their pepperoni after handling your salami, right guys. Conoco Phillips Plant Supervisory Safety Training Module three. In this module, you will discover your responsibilities as a plant supervisor. Appropriate safety conduct within a plant, the importance of personal protective equipment or peopIe. Click forward to continue. Billy was having fun down at the old swimming hole with column hall, but then Billy saw a copper head snake swim by. Billy knows copperheads or dangerous. What should Billy and the other boys do? Man, You guys did a great job this quarter. Mike had over two million in sales. That's incredible. Max's numbers were also high, but I'm a little concerned about his delinquency. rate. Two of the accounts are over 60 days past due, and one has gone into repossession. Do you think he's taking too many chances with credit? It's not good, is it? I'll talk to him. I think you should. You need to reiterate that he can't sell a boat to anybody who walks in the door. He needs to do a better job of qualifying leads. Parallel operation of transformers Transformers will operate satisfactorily in parallel with their high and low tension. Linings respectively connected directly to the same circuits, provided that they have won the same ratio of transformation to the same voltage ratings and three approximately the same regulation.