Sharing an Experience: When a friend is rude to you

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Sharing a story where I gained wisdom and knowledge on how to handle a situation

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the other night I was in a group chat with a group of ladies that I really love and trust, and one of the members said something to me. I didn't really think much of it, and about two days later I got an email from her apologizing profusely for what she had said. And, you know, I hadn't really even realized that she said something that might have been rude or insulting to me. But of course, after she apologized for it, then I began, you know, worrying about it and thinking about it and wondering, did the others think that she was being rude to me? And I thought, you know, maybe it would have been better. She didn't even mention it to me. However, uh, Then I came back to my training and meditation, and I thought, I am wasting my thoughts and energies. If somebody thought they said something to me that wasn't appropriate and they apologize for it, well, then I'm pretty lucky to have a friend like that. So anyway, I thought I'd share that with you because maybe you've experienced something like that as well