What is a EOL Doula



A podcast - Dying matters

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


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So a few months back I got the opportunity to narrate a 24 module e. Learning course on childbirth. It was very interesting. I thought I knew it all and at that course I learned about what a birth doula is. So that was all well and good and very interesting to me. But then last summer I had a couple of experiences with friends and actually some random people who had experienced a significant death in their family. And it was at that point that I heard about the role of a death doula, it was like a light went on. Why should we not give people the opportunity to have the kind of death that is peaceful, calm and relaxing, not chaotic and unfulfilling. It really just made so much sense to me. So I got so interested in it. I took a course and now I'm really enjoying learning more about this whole concept.