Audiobook - Fantasy and Horror



A dark and mysterious reading of the fantasy novel The Clockwork Prince, written by Cassandra Clare. Voice affect ranges from bold, confident, dramatic, believable, charismatic, and ominous.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The fog was thick muffling sound and sight where it parted. Will Herre Dale could see the street rising ahead of him, slick and wet and black with rain and hear the voices of the dead. Not all shadow hunters could hear ghosts unless the ghosts chose to be heard. But Will was one of the few who could as he approached the old cemetery, their voices rose in a ragged musical chorus, wail and pleading cries and snarls. This was not a peaceful burial ground but Will knew that it was not his first visit to the crossbones graveyard near London Bridge. He did his best to block out the noises hunching his shoulders so that his collar covered his ears, his head down a fine mist of rain dampening his black hair. The entrance was halfway down the block. A pair of wrought iron gates set into a high stone wall. Any mundane person passing by could see the thick chain that bound the gates shut and the sign declaring the premise is closed. It had been 15 years since a body was buried here.