KBeauFoster - General Radio

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North American (General)


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We've got all the hits from the eighties and nineties, and whenever you're listening to Shabbas FM, today's Best Rock with Moss The Rolling Stone Jeffries what are you saying? We can't hear you pump up the jam with Shabbas FM waking you up every day. Trina and Warren in the morning on Shabbas FM for the smoothest, grooviest jazz. Keep your ears tuned into the West Coast. Cool 98 1 FM Catch the vibe. Bqool in the heart of the night. All night long. Cool jazz on Gotham's 98.1 Cool FM exclusive report on the state of the nation, climbing gas prices and the national child care program all coming up tonight on your evening news. Parents everywhere are dying to get their hands on one of these. No, it's not a Tickle Me Elmo doll. It's a handheld digital dictionary. Find out why kids are going high tech and how their pocket computers may spell the end for conventional learning. Tonight on the News at six