Commercial reel

Radio Ad


This reel contains various styles of commercial/radio spots

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Meet Max from your trusted bank. He's the Lone Ranger. I'm I'm just Max. Watch out. He has a last. So no, I don't. He's good with a lasso, though. Nope, just good. At loans with nearly 1000 branches nationwide, Help and Max is just around the block. Stop on by an experienced lending done human ordering food for the office skin. Be a handful. It can be difficult to find top restaurants that can handle large orders and get your food delivered on time. But our mobile menu makes all of that a lot easier with just a tap of your fingertips. Across every generation, venom has reinvented itself while remaining authentic genes are in our genes. And without new company, a new day is dawning. Once again, we believe that Denham should strive for a higher purpose. Sustainability isn't just about doing the same with less. It's about harnessing innovation to strengthen our communities and protect our planet. You wanna feel less stressed or make healthier food choices. Maybe you want to focus on being present, need help managing a chronic condition or want to reach 10,000 steps a day. Whatever your personal health goals are, we can help you achieve them