Keaton - College Recruitment - Authentic - Gravitas - Raspy

Online Ad


A Recruitment spot for a school in the following style - Authentic - Gravitas - Raspy - Real Person - Inspiring - Engaging - Charismatic - Confident

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Why you running? Why you getting an education? Why do you write? Why do you read? To explore the world, To change it, to share your ideas. 1000 lies are the reason you think you strive. You go further, see further and push yourself to the limit. These wise make you who you are and shape your future. Why? Because they drive you to make choices and take action. I could a noble a call the management. We aren't here to give you all the answers were here to help you develop your critical thinking and make your education a unique experience. So act think experiment. Try fall Get back off. Try again. Discover, play cry, laugh, Invent and realize your full potential experience convinced Explore impact to take a stand. Take pride in your actions. Here you'll experience the birth of your dreams, the growth of your ambitions and acquire the skills you need in your quest for purpose. Why? Because it gem Our goal is not to help you succeed in life but for you to live your life with success.