Commercial demo, Authoritative, Believable, Caring, Mom, Friend, luxurious, rich, Classy, Concerned, Conversational, Deep, Friendly, Genuine, Girl Next Door, Husky, Informative, Mature, Midlife, Natural, Retail, Sexy, Smooth, Sophisticated, Warm, Smooth,

Television Ad


Commercials, Authoritative, Believable, Caring, Mom, friend, luxurious, rich, Classy, Concerned, Conversational, Deep, Friendly, Genuine, Girl Next Door, Husky, Informative, Mature, Midlife, Natural, Retail, Sexy, Smooth, Sophisticated, Warm, Smooth, strong, professional, sexy, sultry, bright, upbeat, Siri, Alexa

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
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