

Character voices for animation, cartoons, anime, video games, mobile apps, toys, etc.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Oh, Prince Eric! Friends Eric, I am deeply honored that you selected me to be your bride. I just thought the marriage might go a little more smoothly. We had a conversation first. Just yesterday. We're not so different. You and I admit it. You love the danger as much as I dio. Why else would a grown man dress up like Dracula and beat up criminals like you? Up? Where have you been? Student council meeting started 20 minutes ago. And this blood isn't going to donate itself moving. I'm gonna become even stronger than the rest of us. I'm tired of being called a coward. Build a port seriously. Way just broke into a government facility. And your big plan is to build up boards. Don't take another step. Well, sure. This crossbow, right for your heart, I'm telling you, Get back! No! I heard scientists discovered an alien baby yesterday. Is your brother missing her? Something