Macy's Department Store

Video Narration


This voice over was used in Virgin Airlines - Red Hot Series.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
For most people, the holiday season is shopping season in the U. S. The seasonal launch happens with one extraordinary event put on by one of America's most distinctive brands. The Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade fills the streets and skies of New York City with a clear message that the holidays are here. America's department store, Macy's has always been a popular holiday shopping destination for international and domestic travelers. The store consistently introduces the season's most fashionable trends. Macy's has a unique program custom designed for travelers and out of town shoppers. Macy's exclusive visitor savings past available toe every domestic and international traveler offers V I P treatment and exclusive savings, as well as personal services provided by nay sees visitor centers across the U. S. International and domestic visitors love the visitor savings program because they save on almost everything at any Macy's stores nationwide. Macy's, America's department store, just became every travelers holiday season department store