Funny Commercial For Musicians

Profile photo for Roger Nesser
Not Yet Rated
Online Ad


I wrote and recorded this commercial. I co wrote the choruses that are for sale in this commercial and did the voce over

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
recording artists around the world have been waiting for this opportunity. We are now making it available for everyone with a microphone in the laptop to major multimillion dollar studios and everyone in between big lazy holiday hook special $120 gets you a bona fide top 10 single caliber hook from one of the industry's biggest artist, although he's losing weight, big lazy goes in on tracks. Like have you ever had feelings for someone for so long and then by the time they found out they had feelings for you, you were long gone. Well guess what? We have the song for you, it's called How long Are you looking for a hook that literally drops panties. Do you want hot chicks to say things like this is my jam or I love getting to this song. I wouldn't be surprised if some of these songs get you laid for all you folks feeling frisky at 3:00 AM, we have a song for you. Are you tired of spending hours in the studio trying to hit notes that you know you can't hit and then resort to auto tune because you think it's the trendy thing to do. Are you looking for the voice of 1000 angels? Are you looking for a power ballad to convey raw emotion you're feeling due to a recent loss such as relationship problems, death in your family or inner circle or the struggles that come with daily life. Ever wonder what happens when you're gone. Water don't flow in the no genre is sacred, purchasing a hook for big lazy may increase your odds of getting signed, getting laid or getting paid. You can develop haters such as jealous artist, not smart enough to invest in their future, purchasing a hook from Big lazy could very well have these side effects, although possible, they're not guaranteed. You may gain an entire new fan base you didn't even know existed and for a limited time only you can get a verse from Big raj for free 99 that's right. Free 99. That means it won't cost a dime. Thank you for your time. I really wasn't trying to rhyme. Oh, I give up.