Domestic Violence Medical Help

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Video Narration


Narration for Domestic Violence Resources Video

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
When I was in a relationship with someone who started hurting me, I felt the impact on my health, sleeping was difficult. My headaches and asthma attacks felt worse and sometimes I couldn't take my medication or get to my doctor's appointments. One day I was at a clinic for a check up. When the doctor asked about my health issues. In the past, I felt so ashamed and overwhelmed. Doctors would ask questions like what's triggering these symptoms or is anything stressing you lately? And even though I wanted to be honest, I was afraid they would judge me this time. I trusted my instincts.