Commercial Demo

Television Ad


A montage of different styles to show range in my London accent.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
walk into Simpson's magical summer sale on get 25% off our amazing sliding door wardrobes with a fantastic range of designs and colours to choose from shopping. Now there's a word that should make you feel good. It doesn't well, that's because you haven't been to Smithfield Place for a while. It's easily the friendliest shopping centre in Essex. It's got a ll the shops you'd expect on some you wouldn't specially ality. Dear John, By the time you've mowed the lawn, I'll be gone because you keep buying those cheap lowers that can't cope with launch this size. But our Hunt Limited is setting me up with an American called John Deere elegance. Professional, luxuriant ce radiance Radiance Beauty clinic is now open. Husband was always so jealous and controlling for no reason and executed on him. And even though we've been together for several years, used to cheque my phone A ll the time and stopped him seeing my friend looking for a great deal on me, you've got it. A town and country meets this Friday and Saturday are famous £20.4 joint packs of just £10 with Gammon for your eyes only double 07 Gentleman's Club this Tuesday and Wednesday night. Three bars, two rooms, two stages and up to 35 stunning.