Inspiring and encouraging English VO for non-profit org

Online Ad


This sample was for an online ad for United Way.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in southwest michigan today, over half of third graders don't meet reading proficiency when mom has two kids and two jobs and struggles to make ends meet. There isn't enough time or energy to give lucy everything she needs. But change can happen with a little extra attention at school, she can get the tools she needs to make her own way in the world. And if mom had some help, she could be more present for those important moments. Tackling problems like early literacy, food insecurity and financial stability. Takes work on many different fronts. Building a stronger community means addressing immediate needs and rooting out the source of problems by changing the system. Because change doesn't happen alone. Change happens with the help of the community, with people who care about us, who want us to succeed, to see us not only survive but to thrive. Change doesn't happen alone United. There's a way