Lives of Wild Dolphins Documentary Narration



Documentary by Earth Island Institute, Blue Ocean Productions and the International Marine Mammal Project

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
orcas and other dolphins are highly intelligent social animals that roam vast ocean areas in close family groups. Science and experience makes it more clear every day that it's cruel toehold dolphins in concrete tanks to perform tricks for entertainment and profit. And there is a growing movement to protect them worldwide from human harm and captivity. Let's look at the lives of wild dolphins to see how they live, what their cultures air like and how they each have individual personalities. They have some of the largest, most complex brains on earth. Their language and communication skills are highly advanced, and recent scientific findings suggest that the parts of their brain controlling cognition and emotion are even more highly developed than in humans. This is likely why they show empathy toward each other and other species, as well as tolerance, trust and a desire to help. Dolphins are known to rescue humans in danger, saving sailors lost at sea, swimmers fallen overboard or surfers in danger from nearby sharks. They've also come to the rescue of other species such a seals. Sometimes they seek out human attention, companionship and teamwork. People who have developed relationships with wild dolphins say that they seem to appreciate being treated as equals with respect and understanding. In the town of Laguna, Brazil, fishermen and wild dolphins work together to catch fish. Dolphins herd the fish close to shore, where the fishermen wait with nets at the dolphins, signal fishermen throw their nets out and catch more. Fish with the dolphins help and dolphins also get some fission. The process dolphins are self aware and can recognize their own reflection in a mirror. They have a sense of self considered one of the most sophisticated aspects of consciousness. Dolphins live in communities with complex social networks. Some stay in their mother's pod for their entire lives. They're tight knit families, allow for collaborative hunting toward off rivals and to raise their young together. Dolphins live in a world of sound. Their bio acoustic sonar has been called the most sophisticated sensory system on the planet. They emit pulses of sound that provide incredibly detailed three D information about their surroundings upto hundreds of yards away and use unique whistles, squeaks trails to communicate with each other. They even have individual signature whistles that act as names. Dolphins are also known to mourn the loss of a family member. A mother carries her dead infant on her back. Unwilling toe let the baby sink below the surface. In so many situations, dolphin show an unbridled love of play, gliding on the pressure wave created by a boat's bow, surfing the wake behind riding waves breaking along shore just for the fun of it. Dolphins also create games such as Let's Play the Leaf Game and carry a leaf around on our fins so superbly evolved for lives in the ocean in the wild, they have the free will to seek out play to help others and be with their families. Decades ago, when orcas and smaller dolphins were first captured and placed in concrete tanks, Way had no sense of their lives and community. No understanding of their intelligence and empathy. No clue that those clicks and whistles likely form a language so complex that scientists still can't understand it. It's time that orcas and dolphins in the wild have a legally recognized right to live free from human caused harm and captain, and it's time for dolphins held captive in tanks to be retired to seaside sanctuaries where they aren't forced to perform and can live out their lives in an ocean. The time to act is now because orcas and other dolphins are still being captured around the world for display in captivity and because we now understand just how magnificent dolphins.