Video Games-Child/Adult-Dynamic, Youthful, Exciting, Character, Spunky



Demo sample for Animations, Video Games, Online Ads, Radio Ads, eLearnings, Video Narrations, TV Ads, etc.
Video Games-Child/Adult-Dynamic, Youthful, Exciting, Character, Spunky

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
sorry dad. I thought it was easy being king. I mean you have so many loyal subjects that do whatever you tell them to good news. You have been chosen for reprogramming. Please stay calm and do not resist. Any escalation in your negative mood could result in termination. Way to go. You found all the jewels and solve the puzzle. It was tough. But you didn't give up requesting it 0 to 5 copy. I don't believe I've had the pleasure of making your acquaintance, but I can be rather elusive darling. So forgive me the precise moment when Sheila Sinkewitz would be simply unsuspecting of a superbly executed and sustained sneak attack. There's the time at an amusement park. I remember father laughing. He never laughs. But he did on that day. A lot online dating sites don't get me started, wow. You sure got a lot of muscles chan is that from always lifting those heavy packages? I try to order light stuff when I can you know, give you a little bit of a break.