Audiobook Narration Demo

Profile photo for Leanette Bailey
Not Yet Rated


A compilation of my most endeared works, self-produced in home studio

Vocal Characteristics




British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Once upon a time in a magical kingdom surrounded by a vast valley, there lived a young Squire who dreamed of becoming a knight every day. The Squire carried out his daily duties patiently awaiting the day. He could prove his worth and pass into knighthood. The man demanded in a thick Scottish accent. Thus nodded quickly. Yes, I am. The bearded giant grunted and that emblem in the corner of your window. Last night, the rape crossed on a black square. Let's be yours. It is ye the execution are oh God. Do you believe in fairies? They are not as once thought first they bite. It feels like a little p a sting on the skin. When it begins to glow is what you must be careful of. Helen Keller had an ageless quality about her inherent in keeping with her amazing life story, blind, deaf and mute from early childhood. Hey there, sweet thing. He struts his way over to me at the bar. I was shocked the audacity of this guy even though as far as to tap me on the shoulder, can I buy you a drink? The prince sat down by some stunted trees hose tops had broken off long ago by an avalanche and began to eat the bit of bread and cheese that he had stored in his pocket.