English (Child)

Video Narration


Abrupt Aged Aggressive Aloof Amusing Angry Animated Annoying Antagonistic Approachable Articulate Athletic Attentive Attitude Attractive Authentic Authoritative Awkward Believable Bilingual Biting Blue Collar Bold Booming Bossy Brave Broken Speech Brooding Bubbly Bur Calm Calming Camp Caring Cartoon Casual Charismatic Child-like Chipper Classy Cocky Comforting Commanding Concerned Condescending Confessional Confident Confused Conversational Cool Corporate Country Crackly Crazy Creepy Cute Cynical Dangerous Deadpan Deep Defeated Demonic
Ditzy Dynamic Easygoing Eccentric Edgy Educational Egotistical Emotional Enchanting Endearing Energetic Enthusiastic Entitled Evil Exaggerated Excitable Excited Exhausted Exotic Explosive Extreme Fast Paced Feminine Flirty Folksy Forceful Foreign Friendly Frightened Funny Geeky Nerdy Genuine Girly/Girlish Gravelly Gritty Grizzled Guttural Happy Happy Go Lucky Hard Sell Helpful Heroic High Energy High Pitched High Strung Hip Hop Holiday Humorous Husky Hyper Hysterical Ignorant Imaging Immature Impatient Informative Injured Inquisitive Inspirational Intellectual Intelligent Intimidating Jovial Know It All Knowledgeable Laid Back Lazy Lisp Low Pitched Luxurious Lyrical Manly/Masculine Mature Measured Medical Mellow Melodramatic Midlife Mischievous Monotone Moody Motivational Movie Trailer Multilingual Mush Mouth Mysterious Narrator Nasal Natural Nonchalant Nurturing Old Time Radio Ominous Over The Top Panicky Passive Aggressive Perky Personable Persuasive Playful Political Pompous Posh Professional Professorial Proud Quirky Radio Raspy Reassuring Relatable Relaxed Religious Resonant Retail Retro Reverent Robotic Romantic Royal Rugged Sad Sarcastic Sassy Saucy Scary Scientific Serious Sheepish Shy Sick Sincere Singing Skeptical Sketchy Sleazy Slow Paced Smiling Smooth Snarky Snobby Softspoken Soothing Sophisticated Spacey Spooky Squeaky Stern Stodgy Straightforward Strong Stupid Stutter Submissive Sultry Sweet Sympathetic Technical Terrified Thoughtful Timid Tired Toothless Tough Translation Trustworthy Uncomfortable Understated Upbeat Uplifting Upper Class Uptight Urban/Street Velvety Versatile Villainous Voice Of God Wacky Warm Whimsical Wimp Witty Worried Youthful

Action Star Airhead Alien Alpha Male Announcer Annoying Kid Aristocrat Aspiring Artist Athlete Auctioneer Award Acceptance Baby Banker Barber Shop Quartet Biker Boss Brat Buddy Bully Bum Business Man Business Woman Car Salesman Carnival Barker Characters Cheerleader Chef Child Clown Coach Construction Worker Country Music Star Cowboy Cowgirl Creep Criminal Damsel In Distress Demonstrator Detective Devil Diva DJ Doctor Drill Sergeant Drunk Dude Dwarf Elderly Elf Everyman Evil Queen Executive Fairy Godmother Family Man Farmer Fashion Designer Father Fighter Pilot Flirt Frat Boy Game Show Host Gangster Geek Generation X Generation Y Ghoul Girl Next Door Gnome Goblin Grandfather Grandmother Grumpy Old Man Guy Next Door Heckler Henchman Hero Hillbilly Hip Hop Hippie (Hippy) Hipster Hobbit Host/Interviewer Housewife Husband Igor Impressions Instructor Interviewer IT Guy Jerk Judge Kid Next Door Lawyer Leprechaun Lone Ranger Mad Scientist Millennial Misunderstood Villain Mobster Monster Mother Motivational Speaker Narrator Nerd Newscaster Old Lady Old Man Patient Phone Operator Pirate Playful Police Officer Politician Preacher Presenter Priest Professor Prospector Redneck Regular Joe Reporter Robot Rock Star Roman Gladiator Salesperson Samurai School Boy Scientist Singer Slacker Smoker Snob Soccer Mom Soldier Southern Belle Southern Gentleman Spokesperson Sportscaster Starlet Storyteller Straight Man Student Superhero Surfer Dude Teacher Teacher’s Pet Teenager Therapist Thug Toddler Tomboy Tourist Trolls Trucker TV Host Upper Class Urban Youth Valley Girl Vampire Villain Vixen Warrior Werewolf Wicked Witch Wizard Wrestler Yuppie Zombie

Audiobooks Business Cartoons Documentaries Educational Internet Movie Trailers Podcasting Radio Telephone Television Videogames

AFTRA account executive ADR ad lib agent air air check ambience analog animatic announcement announcer articulation attitude audio audition availability back bed background balls bed billboard bleed board booking boom booth branching break up bump butt-cut button buy buy-out cadence call-back call letters call time cans cattle call CD-ROM character Class A cold read color commercial compression conflict console control room copy points Creative Director cross talk cue up cut and paste cutting through DAT dead air decibel de-esser demo demographics dialogue digital recording director distortion donut double drive time drop off drop out dry mouth dub dubbing earphones echo editing EFX ellipsis engineer equalization eye-brain-mouth coordination FCC fade fade in/fade out false start feedback filter fish-bowl effect fluctuation Foley franchised front bed gain gig gobos good pipes go up for hard sell harmonizer headset high speed dub highs hold holding fee hook hot house demo in-house in the can inflection ISDN jingle laundry list lay it down lay out level library music lines line reading live mic live tag local looping lows major markets marking copy master mic milking mix monitors monologue mouth noise MP3 multiple multitrack music bed non-union off-camera on mic/off mic outtake overlapping over scale over-the-top pace paper noise patch paymaster phasing phonemes phones pick-up pick-up session pitch placement playback plosive plus ten pop filter post-production pre-life/pre-scene producer promo protection PSA punch in read real-time released residuals resonance re-use reverb room tone rough mix run-through SAG safety S.A.S.E. SFX scale plus 10 scratch track series of three session session fee shave sibilance sides signatory signature single slate spec spokesperson spot stair stepping stand station I.D. Steps storyboard studio sweeps sync Taft-Hartley tag take talent talkback tease tempo tight time code tone track trailer undercutting units use fee value added voice print V-O VU meter walla wet wild line wild spot windscreen woodshed wrap

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Child (5-12)


North American (General)