Calming, Soothing Mindfulness Narration (Neutral)

Profile photo for Atta Otigba
Acheivement Badges Superstar


UK, Guided Meditation ~ Calming, Soothing, Relaxing, Comforting, Softspoken, Floating

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Let us take a moment to calm ourselves and get ready for a night of deep relaxation and rest. I want you to settle into a safe and comfortable spot. Okay, Curl into your blanket, place your head on your pillow and adjust your position in any way you please until you feel fully satisfied and ready. Yeah, yeah. Once you are settled in, close your eyes. Tuck yourself in and focus on the sound of my voice. Take a long, deep breath in and allow your lungs to fill up completely with the cool air of the night. Hold the breath for a couple of seconds and then slowly let it out. Mhm. Once again, take a deep breath in, hold the breath in your lungs and exhale deeply. Mhm, mhm. Relish this moment of peace and connectedness. Stay in this moment a bit longer. Connect with the quiet that you can experience at your core. Take some more deep breaths if required, right mhm. And now that you are ready, keep your eyes closed and your ears open as I tell you, this lovely bedtime story to help you does on into a peaceful slumber. Gracia, a chubby little boy, born two years and eight months ago, is walking on the boulevard with his nurse. He is wearing a long wanted police, a scar.