Elastic Truths of Christmast for Millenials

Profile photo for Lilia O
Not Yet Rated


A quick guide on how to spend Holidays as a millenial.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
You can picture it already. The christmas lights treat the congregations and the table is set up while you are already smelling the traditional holiday dinner recipe that has run in your family for too long this year. You might have decided to play it safe because you are not feeling that much of the rebel heart. You're in your thirties now and yet, here you are, a little nauseous of what your family is going to ask you or well from you. First of all, the classic questions. How's your ex name doing? How come you still have no kids? Your mom told me you want to quit your job. How come you? Millennials can stand hard work and so on. I will try in a couple of paragraphs to help you move around this holiday family gathering without harming yourself. So let's make a list of possible actions or thoughts you should do or have. First one you are not obligated to attend any family reunion or any of the ***** at all. That doesn't serve your well being okay. So maybe you'll need to go to your office christmas party so that you can keep affording your rent. But other than that you should have a good reason to attend any kind of event that doesn't help your mental health. But anyway, if you are already there is surrounded by people that sometimes remind you that you should be elsewhere. Don't worry. The first thing you need to do is grab a drink. Just kidding. No. Now for real, I would highly suggest bring something to the reunion. It could be a couple of bottles of wine, some kind of fancy dessert and an appetizer. You can even try to bring some small gifts for everyone at the end of the day, it's an investment for your mental health.