Animation Demo: cartoon characters, bilingual, girl, boy, cute



This is my professional animation demo that shows my versatility in cartoon character voices such as a little girl, little boy, chipmunk voice, evil witch, bilingual character, old lady, girl next door, and some character singing.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General) Spanish (South American - Colombian)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Chipmunks can't totally fly. Watch this up into the sky. I guess all. I'm flying to the birds. My footman was fed to the crocodile and my dress to the poor dear. He started a new career, has my favorite wall day. Cool ribbit hola mi amiga. Oh, I have no friends because I am poisonous and no one loves me. Do you know that velociraptor actually had feathers? He was like a little killer removed. I'll never look at my pet chicken the same again. Well, of course everything hurts. I'm 9 to 6 years old. I'm lucky to just have my teeth. Can't say the same about my gall bladder when I grow up, I want to be an astronaut, then fly through the stars and if you get in my way, I will punch you in the face. Hi, I'm Princess Lolly. Last year I started an acapella group and changed my name to lollipop.