This is a piece I did for my commercial class assignment.

Profile photo for Lucy Njoroge
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


East African (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
importing my favorite equipment and getting there in time has always been a hassle until I found several store. Now I can show for anything I like from my favorite online shopping stalls and get a chip to Kenya within a week. Imagine no more hassle. Still, we understand that by and shipping off, goods from online stores can be hassled. That's why we endeavor to make this task less tedious. Are you have to do is send us a link off. The product would like punches, and we'll give you a quotation off the judges, which can be paid by an PESA, are you can ship the product to our US office. Well, we have a process and deliver to your Dustin. You can also pick them at any of our offices countrywide within a week. Suffer store, consistent, dependable and affordable.