
Profile photo for Lindsey Dunn
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


Car advert. Fast food advert. Medical advert. Department store advert. Ladder safety instructional. Children animation. Superhero animation. Southern character animation. Fiction book narration.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US South)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
The all new auto swab has all the new technology that you want with all of the classic comforts. Why sacrifice Stop by your auto swab dealer today I always plan ahead. Like today. I need to drop of my library book Bring my cat to the vet. Goto a work meeting. Call my mom and wait a minute. I forgot to plant eating Oh, I'll just stop by hamburger hut. What a relief. Fighting sneezes and sniffles Tries not be gone Cough syrup. Now you and everyone else on the train can't enjoy the ride Moving Martin laboured eight Sale Get the cute ist fashions for the whole family at low low prices Because shopping shouldn't feel like work Clothing marsh Always inspect the ladder for cracks or loose wrongs. Choose a ladder That is long enough that you can stay off the top runs when climbing or descending. Always use three points of contact. Oh, come on, friends. We can make the best of this. Oh, I know I spy with my little eye Something blue You won't get away with this steel. I not on my watch. Take that. Hey there, sonny. I could help fix your car, but you're gonna have to help me out, know anything about video games. Her shoulders screamed with pain, and she spun once, all the way around, like a gymnast on the Rings. Tally opened her eyes and blinked. She was being lowered onto the hoverboard, which waited rock steady just above the water. What the? She wondered aloud.